Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Special thanks to the Aaron Eagle Project ~ Raised beds at the Giving Gardens

The prepared boards - predrilled with 4x4's screwed on, they are ready for assembly.

A look at what it looks like partially planted.

We stretched the soil to fill all our beds by layering straw first, then amendments, native soil and then soil mix.

A record day for volunteers at the giving gardens there are more volunteers at the food tent and constructing the 30 wooden raised beds.

The building Crew

Filling the beds

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meet The Gardeners

A Happy Day.... This OSU Master Gardener Certificate arrived in the mail today...
And the orange badge.

This bumble bee was a welcome visitor/garden vip.

PJ the garden founder at the grand opening of the Beaverton Giving Gardens with the Mayor. PJ is our Garden Laison, an OSU Master Gardener Intern and respected garden advisor.
Meet Bruce ~ he is an effeciency wizard, knowledgable gardener and has saved several days worth of work with this trusty rotoiller. OSU Master Gardener Intern.
Jessica is the secretary of Tualatin Valley Gleaners and you will find her checking you into gleaners and behind the scenes on special projects. This was taken at our canning class taught by OSU extension service. It was delicous, hands on and highly recommended class especially for food preservation.

Heather and Crew brought us a much needed compost and soil amendment donation.
Heather Taulatin Valley Gleaner President is in Rainbow and Lisa Garden Coodinator, OSU Master Gardener in Black

If you come to the gardens on a saturday most likely you will be greeted by this smiling face belonging to Patty our Saturday Garden Shift Lead.

Meet Paul - He is the Hands on Portland contact, harvest delivery, and Farmer's market delivery.

Vincent is an OSU Master Garden Intern, Volunteer and Respected advisor.

Our junior photographer photos..