Awards Banquet 2010 ~ Thanks to our core volunteers and all the volunteers that are essential for the garden program.

Green Beans, Cabbage and cucumbers


July 3rd ~ We completed several plantings of tomatoes and have one more plot to plant.
It has been a wet May and June so planting has been slow.

June 12th ~ a lot of rain during the past 2 weeks but we were blessed with good weekends and lots of help to prepare the beds and plant some plants and seeds. The slugs were ravenous and ate many of our starts. This is a family friendly activity and everyone had a good time.
May 29th - The end of the 4th large work day and we have more paths in and more amendments. It has rained heavily almost the entire of month of May, and we had to cancel several work days due to the weather. The plants are going to get in the ground soon!
Scraping the the last of the black gold
off to go into the field.
Spreading chips